June 04, 2024

Reschenthaler Manages Rule Debate on the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act and the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) delivered the following remarks on the House floor when he managed the Rule Debate on H.R. 8580, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, and H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act.

As prepared for delivery:

“Mr. Speaker, on October 7th, 2023, Hamas launched the largest mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust.

This horrific assault attacked Israel by land, sea, and air, killing over 1,200 innocent civilians, including dozens of Americans.

In the aftermath, we have learned that families were burned alive, infants were decapitated, women were sexually assaulted, and other unthinkable acts of violence were committed.

To date, Hamas continues to hold as many as 130 hostages.

Since those attacks, we have seen a clear divide in the United States and around the globe between those who stand with our ally Israel and those who stand with Hamas. 

One of the organizations that stands with Hamas is the international kangaroo court also known as the ICC.

The court is anti-American, anti-Israel, and antisemitic.

The United States and Israel are not members of the ICC and the court has no standing or jurisdiction over our nation or Israel.

Previously, the court has targeted American warfighters for defending our nation in Afghanistan after the September 11th terrorist attacks.

They are now targeting our ally and partner Israel and drawing a false, distorted moral equivalency between the leaders of Hamas and the Democratically elected government of Israel.

That is why House Republicans will pass the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act introduced by my good friend, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas.

This legislation would reimpose the Trump Administration’s sanctions against ICC officials that investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute U.S. citizens or allies like Israel.

The choice is clear.

Do you stand with our ally Israel and U.S. servicemembers?

Or do you stand with Hamas and this illegitimate court?

Additionally, as a Navy veteran and member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am proud to support the FY25 MILCON VA bill, which was introduced by Chairman Judge Carter.

Under Chairmen Cole and Carter’s leadership, H.R. 8580 will fully fund veterans’ health care programs and benefits.

It provides an extra $75 million above the president’s budget and $30 billion above last year’s enacted level for veterans.

Further, this legislation also provides robust funding for the Indo-Pacific region, invests billions in quality-of-life projects for our servicemembers and their families, and blocks the Biden Administration from placing al-Qaeda terrorists in our local communities.

This bill provides an additional $412 million over the president’s budget for military construction, so we can invest more in our national security.

As we approach the 80th anniversary of D-Day, this week’s vote will be an important step in supporting our nation’s veterans.

I urge my colleagues to support this rule and reserve the balance of my time.”