July 01, 2021

Reschenthaler Opposes House Democrats’ Green New Deal Package

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) voted no on H.R. 3684, House Democrats' so-called infrastructure bill that prioritizes Green New Deal mandates over rebuilding our nation's crumbling roads and bridges. H.R. 3638 narrowly passed the House by a vote of 221 to 201.

"It is a shame, though not surprising, that House Democrats once again threw away an opportunity for bipartisanship to score cheap political points by disguising last year's Green New Deal as infrastructure," said Reschenthaler. "Instead of working with Republicans to provide desperately needed infrastructure investment, House Democrats doubled down on the same mandates, restrictive policies, and social justice warrior priorities that failed to go anywhere last year. With an estimated $1 out of every $2 tied up in Green New Deal mandates, their partisan package spends nearly $548 billion on progressive priorities and programs while restricting new road and bridge construction. Additionally, this bill leaves rural communities, like those in southwestern Pennsylvania, behind by shifting funding toward programs and policies favoring cities. While House Democrats push Green New Deal mandates and art as infrastructure, House Republicans will fight for investment in roads, bridges, and the real transportation systems that drive our economy."

H.R. 3638 includes measures such as:

  • Relying heavily on deficit spending for the bill's massive $548 billion price tag, which further fuels inflation and increases the cost of goods like gas and food for American families.
  • Providing an estimated $276 billion for Green New Deal-related mandates and requirements, including $31.1 billion in new Green New Deal programs.
  • Banning the building of new roads.
  • Rejecting regulatory reform. Research shows that 20% to 30% of project funding is wasted on red tape, meaning $164 billon of this bill will be lost to wasteful permitting delays and bureaucracy.
  • Favoring urban centers over the infrastructure needs of rural communities that already struggle to compete with urban areas in programs preferred under this bill, such as transit and rail.
    • Example: A program to build electric charging stations that will largely benefit wealthy, urban areas would receive $4 billion compared to the Rebuild Rural grant program, which only receives $1 billion.
  • Allowing federal transit funding to be spent on art, essentially defining "art" as infrastructure.
