May 07, 2020

Reschenthaler Selected for China Task Force to Counter Current and Future Threats from China

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy announced the formation of the China Task Force and selected Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) to serve on the committee. The 15 member group, representing 14 different committees of jurisdiction, will be chaired by Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX) and will work to enhance information sharing and legislative strategy development to address challenges posed by the Communist Party of China (CCP). While House Democrats initially agreed to work in a bipartisan manner on the task force, they withdrew without explanation earlier this year.

"I am incredibly honored Leader McCarthy selected me to join the China Task Force to help counter the threats posed by communist China," said Reschenthaler. "For too long, China has stolen American intellectual property, violated international trade laws, exported illicit fentanyl into our local communities, and committed heinous human rights abuses. American workers, particularly right here in southwestern Pennsylvania, too often pay the price for China's unfair trade practices. The work of this task force is more important than ever to get to the bottom of China's role in the origin and spread of COVID-19. This group will ensure we can further the important progress President Trump has already made in holding China accountable and work to address the CCP's malign agenda towards our nation. I am deeply disappointed that House Democrats chose to play partisan politics right into the hands of the CCP rather than join us to support this vital mission."

"Guy has distinguished himself while in uniform in service to his country and now he is distinguishing himself in the halls of Congress in service to his constituents," said Leader McCarthy. "As a rising star in the Republican Party, Guy has demonstrated he has the vision and foresight to tackle America's challenges, especially when it comes to addressing our national security vulnerabilities when it comes to China. He was a natural choice and I know will be an invaluable member of the task force as we work together to keep our country secure for generations to come."

The task force will hold meetings and briefings to educate members on a host of China-related issues, including control over crucial supply chains, efforts to take to take over international organizations, and economic aggression. Additionally, the committee will look into the CCP's role in the origin and spread of COVID-19, an issue Rep. Reschenthaler is a leader on.
