January 13, 2021

Reschenthaler Opposes Divisive Impeachment

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) spoke on the House floor regarding his opposition to H.Res 24, the Article of Impeachment raised to remove President Donald J. Trump from office.

"At a time when our nation is still healing, we must seek out the issues that unite us rather than those that further divide us," Reschenthaler said.

In addition, Reschenthaler criticized the weaponization of impeachment, noting that H.Res. 24 "sets a dangerous precedent whereby political parties can justify impeachment simply because they do not agree with the president."

Click here to watch the full speech.

Below are the prepared remarks:

"I am deeply troubled by last week's attack on our Capitol. I pray for the families of Officer Sicknick and Officer Liebengood. As I have been saying since this summer, violence and rioting have no place in America, and the criminals responsible for last week's rioting must be brought to justice.

"At a time when our nation is still healing, we must seek out the issues that unite us rather than those that further divide us. I was greatly encouraged to see our country unite in condemnation of last week's lawless rioting. I am further encouraged that, despite my Democratic colleagues' claims to the contrary, President Trump is committed to a peaceful and uninterrupted transfer of power to the next administration.

"But that is not good enough for my colleagues across the aisle.

"With just 7 days left in President Trump's term, they are fast-tracking impeachment proceedings, a move which will no doubt further divide our already fractured nation.

"Even House Democrats' last impeachment effort, which was rushed through in record time, at the very least included expert input, depositions, hearings, and deliberation. This latest attempt to impeach the president ignores all precedent and due process. And it cannot be voted on in the Senate before President-elect Biden is sworn into office.

"I am also concerned by the charge against the president, ‘Incitement of Insurrection.' At his rally, President Trump urged attendees to ‘peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.' There was no mention of violence, let alone calls to action. Importantly, under the criminal code, President Trump's words would not meet the definition for incitement.

"The measure before us today sets a dangerous precedent whereby political parties can justify impeachment simply because they do not agree with the president. I would urge my colleagues across the aisle to take a step back and consider how the actions we take here today will alter the course of history for all future presidencies."
