January 15, 2020

Reschenthaler, Thompson Relaunch Congressional Gaming Caucus

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) and Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (MS-02) officially relaunched the Congressional Gaming Caucus for the 116th Congress. The caucus, which they will co-chair, comprises a broad representation of more than 30 Members of Congress from across the country. It will serve as a platform to discuss federal policy issues related to the U.S. gaming industry and educate congressional colleagues on related regulatory and legislative matters.

"Over the last several decades, the U.S. gaming industry has expanded beyond traditional gaming markets in Nevada and New Jersey to benefit new communities, including those in southwestern Pennsylvania," said Rep. Reschenthaler. "I'm proud to relaunch this caucus, which will provide a valuable forum for advancing policies that allow the gaming industry to grow and spur economic development in districts like mine."

"The gaming industry's social and economic footprint can be seen in communities around the United States, with more than 88 percent of American adults viewing gaming as an acceptable form of entertainment," said Rep. Thompson. "The Congressional Gaming Caucus will enable Congress to better represent the industry and our constituents' interests on Capitol Hill."

"Relaunching the Congressional Gaming Caucus is one of the American Gaming Association's top priorities, and I'm grateful to Reps. Thompson and Reschenthaler for their leadership," said Bill Miller, president and CEO. "As gaming expands, it's more important than ever that members of Congress from both gaming and non-gaming states appreciate the important role our industry plays in communities across the country. The AGA looks forward to working with the caucus on policies that strengthen the gaming industry and tell our positive story on Capitol Hill."

The $261 billion gaming industry is a national economic engine and job creator—providing good-paying jobs and career opportunities for nearly two million American workers. From supporting area small businesses to contributing to local nonprofits and philanthropic initiatives, the industry continues to work and partner with the communities where gaming operates.
