January 15, 2020

Reschenthaler’s Statement on Opposition to Sending Sham Articles of Impeachment to the Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) released the following statement on his opposition to H.Res. 798, House Democrats' resolution to transmit the sham articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate.

"Speaker Pelosi's decision to delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate only showed the American people how weak House Democrats' case really is. Nothing has changed over these past few weeks, except now the Democrats' contradictions are on full display. They spent weeks claiming they had overwhelming evidence to impeach the president, but now they are demanding the Senate call additional witnesses and continue investigating. It's not the Senate's job to clean up House Democrats' mess. This entire impeachment process has been nothing more than a political hit job, and Speaker Pelosi knows it.

"While House Democrats were wasting American taxpayers' time and money on this political circus, President Trump brought a brutal terrorist to justice, negotiated a trade deal with China, and guided America to the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Democrats need to follow his lead and get to work for the American people, not just their radical base."
